Get your Everyday task listed with -Microsoft To Do


Microsoft to do is a useful task organizer with a smart and pretty design for your daily tasks. It helps to plan your task each day whether it’s for work, school or home. The software allows to create a list of tasks, and separate these tasks into categories you choose. Each category can be customized by choosing a colour, theme or background picture. It allows to take notes within tasks and set up daily, weekly or monthly reminders and helps to prioritize the most important tasks to be completed each day.


Wunderlist a great platform for to-do-lists was acquired by Microsoft in the year 2015. After buying it, Microsoft announced it would reinvent the app and incorporate most of its best features. At the time, Wunderlist founder and CEO Christian Reber joined Microsoft to continue leading the app forward. Instead, Microsoft launched its own To-Do app and named it “Microsoft-To-Do” to replace Wunderlist last year.



Each app has a standout feature which counts for its uniqueness. With Microsoft to-do, its turning feature thus far is it’s “MY Day View”. The basics features of the app are same as most of the other to-do apps. In To-Do, as with nearly every other task-management app, you make the rules for your list organization. Some of the features are listed below:

  • The My Day feature allows you to lay out your tasks for the day.
  • Create Lists and To-Dos for Everything.
  • Create due dates or reminders to keep you on track.
  • Organize tasks into lists with customizable categories.
  • Add any necessary details to tasks using the note feature.
  • Sync your to-do list with Outlook Tasks.
  • Smart Suggestions use previous tasks to give you tips on tasks to add or reschedule.
  • Prioritize Daily.
  • Create a Bucket List.
  • Add and organize your to do list on your phone and computer.
  • Stay Secure & Compliant.


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Microsoft after acquiring Wunderlist had too much of responsibility on his shoulder to replace “Wunderlist” with “Microsoft to-do”. The result is both pleasing and surprising. Unfortunately, it lacks many features and still looks infancy as compared to its competitors. With its latest addition to Office 365, we can expect shortly more features to be added . Some of the drawbacks are listed below:

  • Lacks the ability to share tasks with colleagues or family members due to missing collaboration.
  • Only has a small number of themes and colors for customization.
  • No easy way to label a task as important.
  • Does not integrate with any other third-party applications.
  • Cannot attach files to a task.
  • Does not have the capability for tagging tasks for additional organization.

Pricing and Availability

Microsoft-to-do is completely free. It is the latest app to be included in Office 365. You need a free Microsoft account to use that app. The point is, you don’t have to pay anything extra for it as because there are no pricing and plan options.

Its latest integration in Office 365 is one of the best features of the software, and there are future possibility of integration with more Microsoft applications. It is also available as a web app for iPhone, Android phone and Windows 10 devices. It synchronises with your phone and computer so that you can access your to-dos from anywhere in the world.


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I would try recommending Microsoft-to-do. Though it still lacks with some features as compared to its competitors, it is still in its early phase. The design is simple and smart and with years of expertise from Microsoft it can add a lot more features in the coming years.

If you have any comment or suggestions, I am open to it. Leave them below in the comment section !!






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